Friday, April 8, 2005



Well it's my last day of G's so had to put Ginni in here, Ginni was my last roomate.   In this picture she's standing in the tree I played in as a little boy the first time she went to visit my hometown.   She sounds like she's entering a new part of her life, and really getting things back together.  Way to go Ginny!  Short for Virginia, but guess you'll always be Ginni to me.  I use a phrase in love and light, I got that from her, she did have a light that she never even knew she had.  Hope it's getting even brighter!


Anonymous said...

Wishing love and light to Ginni!
             *** Coy ***

Anonymous said...

You have a very special individual style of expressing yourself, I beleive your a very spiritual person. My guess is you enjoy helping other people. Phil K.